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Writer's pictureErnestine Hopkins

During the conference, the attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of their peers.

Parents, because of the sensitive nature of some of the questions, we highly recommend that you discuss each question with your child. Feel free to reach out to us if you need assistance.  We have licensed counselors on staff.

Teen Panel Questions and Answers

How do you deal with a narcissistic parent and not harm yourself in the process? 

Answer 1: I would encourage you to please reach out to your counselor at your school for additional resources and support. They can help you with coping strategies to replace any self harm to yourself. Please let us know how we can support you.

Is it normal to be emotional when someone yells/raises their voice? (not being able to breath) 

Answer 1: Though it may be normal to cry, this may be a response to some type of trauma you have experienced in your life. It is important to seek out your counselor at your school or an outside resource to work through this.  

Answer 2: Some people can take yelling better than others but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with becoming emotional when someone raises their voice at you.

Answer 3: You are human! You’re allowed to be emotional.

How do you explain to your parents that you have anxiety/social issues?

Answer 1: I would meet with your counselor, he/she can role play with you on how to have these conversations. They can also help you speak with your parents/guardian as well. It is important to find a trusted adult that you can share this information with. Having a support system when you are struggling with any issue is very important.

Answer 2: Sit them down , explain to them that you feel like you have anxiety so that they can take you and get you some assistance.

Answer 3: Be able to open up to them and explain the way you have been feeling. If you want help, you have to make that known to them.

Once you have forgiven, how do you move past it?

Answer 1: Don’t bring up the situation anymore.

Answer 2: Leave it in the past. Forgiveness is for YOU. So you can be able to move on without holding on to the hurt or anger.

Answer 3: Continue to pray about that situation so God can help you and guide you.

How do you forgive?

Answer 1: First, you have to make the decision that you will forgive. Once you make the decision and say, "I forgive" then you have to continuously practice positive self talk. This means every time you have a negative thought about the situation, you turn that thought into a positive thought. For example, if you're thinking, "I hate my dad for leaving us," you turn that into a positive by thinking, "Even though my father is not here, I am still important." Remember to forgive yourself through out this process of learning to forgive others as well.

How do you deal with a negative mood?

Answer 1: Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy. Hang out with your good friends or treat yourself. You deserve it.

How do you overcome low self-esteem?

Answer 1: Find something that makes you feel good or happy and fight the negative thoughts that you have about yourself. For example, if you think to yourself, "I hate my skin tone," you could turn that into a positive by saying to yourself, "I am unique and beautiful inside and out."

How do I block out the haters? (Everyone is mean)

Answer 1: You need to focus on the people who value you. Unfollow people who you feel aren't good for you and distance yourself from them.

How do you let go of toxic people?

Answer 1: Distance yourself and unfollow people who are toxic.

How do you establish relationships with fake people?

Answer 1: You don't. You only want people in your corner who are genuine and treat you kind.

What was it like when you forgave that certain person?

Answer 1: I’m not going to lie, it was hard and emotional. I didn’t want to forgive her, but I did it for myself. I told myself, “I’m doing this for me. I don’t want to hurt anymore or be angry. In the long run, it’s going to be so much better for me than just ignoring the problem."

Who’s your support system?

Answer 1: I believe you should be your own support system, but of course everyone wants supportive love from other people. My support system is my best friend, my mom, and the people from my church.

Answer 2: My family and close friends.

What is one way you get your mind off of a situation?

Answer 1: Hang out with people you have a great time with, try to sleep it off, or just pray about it and let God guide you.

What do you do if your friend is always downing you?

Answer 1: First tell them that it bothers you, and if they continue to do it, distance yourself from them.

How can you forgive someone so easily?

Answer 1: Well most of the time it is not easy. Not easy at all, but I have to remind myself that it’s the only way to get through certain situations.

How do you deal with negative thoughts?

Answer 1: Practice turning your negative thoughts into positive ones.  For example, if you think to yourself, "I hate my skin tone," you could turn that in to a positive by saying to yourself, "I am unique and beautiful inside and out."

What does it take to be a boss?

Answer 1: Know your worth and don’t let any hater bring you down because not only are you a boss, but you're a queen.

How do I not care what people think?

Answer 1: Because you're human, you're going to care what people think from time to time. You have to remind yourself not to allow their opinions to dictate who you are as a person and your self worth.

Do we have to forgive?

Answer 1: Yes mam! We sure do! It’s good for you and your health. 

Answer 2: Remember, forgiving someone does not mean that you have to become friends with them again.

What are your views on makeup?

Answer 1: With parent approval, it's ok as long as you're not doing it to impress someone or look like someone else. Be you!

What do I do when people really hurt me by making fun of the way I look?

Answer 1: Try to ignore it and avoid them because you are beautiful the way you are.  If it continues to get worse, tell an adult so that they can help with the situation.

How do I forgive someone who was so rude and fake to me? How do I move on?

Answer 1: First, you have to make the decision that you will forgive. Once you make the decision and say, "I forgive" then you have to continuously practice positive self talk. This means every time you have a negative thought about the situation, you turn that thought into a positive thought. For example, if you're thinking, "I hate my dad for leaving us," you turn that into a positive by thinking, "Even though my father is not here, I am still important." Remember to forgive yourself through out this process of learning to forgive others as well.

When’s the next conference?

Answer 1: We will be having a Teen Webinar on March 7th, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm.  Our annual Girls Who Conquer Conference will be on August 15th, 2020.  SAVE THE DATE!

Why do I feel bad about what people say about me?

Answer 1: You feel bad because you're valuing their opinion over your own.  Your opinion is the one that matters!

Why do people always want to change themselves?

Answer 1: They want to change themselves because they don't value themselves.

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